People always talk about how resilient Texas is. How its economy holds up when the other states get hit hard. In some ways this has been true in the past, but to say that Texas is an example for the rest of the country does not make sense. Texas is failing in major ways and is headed for a bleak future.
Texas has one of the worst education systems of any of the 50 states. It is ranked number 47th in overall SAT scores, 43rd in high school graduation rate, and last in adults over the age of 25 with a high school diploma. They also spend 27 percent less per student than the national average.
And what does Texas do in spite of this disturbing news? New textbooks in Texas are attempting to re-write and put a conservative spin on history. They say global warming is an unproven theory. They state that there is no separation of church and state in the government, and that the founding fathers didn't believe in a secular government.
This is allowed to happen because the Texas Board of Education is made of right wing republicans. Teaching students false information wastes their time, costs money, and could cause students to lose trust in the system. Doing this to promote a conservative ideology is jeopardizing Texas's future.
Unfortunately, a lot of the textbooks written for the Texas education system are used in other states, so they are not only spreading falsehoods around Texas, but around the nation.
However, this probably doesn't worry Texas Republicans too much because they oppose the teaching of "higher order thinking skills." This was written into the Republican Party platform in 2012.
How is Texas going to be resilient if the future generation is being educated under the current system?
Even now, the so-called poster child to the rest of the country is suffering hardships. Texas ranked worst of all 50 states in a 2012 scoreboard issued by the federal Agency for Health Care Research and Quality. And the state that has a reputation for its rugged independence no longer gives more than it gets from the federal government. Every year during the first term of the Obama administration, Texas received more money than it gave to the U.S. treasury. How is Texas an example to the rest of nation?
In short, anyone claiming that Texas is a poster child for the rest of the nation has a lot of questions to answer. How is Texas going to face economic problems in the future with a failing education system? And if Texas is the utopia that it's supposed to be, why does it have the lowest rating of all 50 states in healthcare? And how can Texas claim to be independent when it's receiving more dollars from the federal government than it's paying in taxes?
Texas has one of the worst education systems of any of the 50 states. It is ranked number 47th in overall SAT scores, 43rd in high school graduation rate, and last in adults over the age of 25 with a high school diploma. They also spend 27 percent less per student than the national average.
And what does Texas do in spite of this disturbing news? New textbooks in Texas are attempting to re-write and put a conservative spin on history. They say global warming is an unproven theory. They state that there is no separation of church and state in the government, and that the founding fathers didn't believe in a secular government.
This is allowed to happen because the Texas Board of Education is made of right wing republicans. Teaching students false information wastes their time, costs money, and could cause students to lose trust in the system. Doing this to promote a conservative ideology is jeopardizing Texas's future.
Unfortunately, a lot of the textbooks written for the Texas education system are used in other states, so they are not only spreading falsehoods around Texas, but around the nation.
However, this probably doesn't worry Texas Republicans too much because they oppose the teaching of "higher order thinking skills." This was written into the Republican Party platform in 2012.
How is Texas going to be resilient if the future generation is being educated under the current system?
Even now, the so-called poster child to the rest of the country is suffering hardships. Texas ranked worst of all 50 states in a 2012 scoreboard issued by the federal Agency for Health Care Research and Quality. And the state that has a reputation for its rugged independence no longer gives more than it gets from the federal government. Every year during the first term of the Obama administration, Texas received more money than it gave to the U.S. treasury. How is Texas an example to the rest of nation?
In short, anyone claiming that Texas is a poster child for the rest of the nation has a lot of questions to answer. How is Texas going to face economic problems in the future with a failing education system? And if Texas is the utopia that it's supposed to be, why does it have the lowest rating of all 50 states in healthcare? And how can Texas claim to be independent when it's receiving more dollars from the federal government than it's paying in taxes?;postID=1307537200347126616;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=0;src=postname